Belief in myths can be harmless. But when that belief leaves you with a stolen credit card or a compromised corporate network, the consequences are all too real. Here are some common myths that plague cyberspace, and solutions to deal with ...
Phishing is a scam where criminals use misleading information to trick you into revealing passwords or other confidential information. Below are eight important rules to help avoid being victimized. We also outline a few realistic
In many ways, your email account is the digital equivalent of your house address. You give it to people and businesses, so they know where to send the products and helpful information you requested. It offers a way to keep in touch with fam...
Many of us either use weak passwords or reuse passwords on multiple accounts. Storing your passwords in your browser, a document, or in writing opens you up to a number of threats, and also increases your risk of losing that important data...
A strong password should include a mix of lower-case and upper-case letters, numbers, and special characters. However, the overall password length is even more important than the characters used, as password cracking programs will start wit...
Hacking has become big business for criminals and is now the fastest growing crime type in the world.
In more than 80% of all network breaches the hackers simply log-in as a regular user and have undetected access to systems and data. Wit...